Water Rebozo for Aquatics & Osteopathy

Water Rebozo is the adaptation of land fabric technics into the water element. It is a practice created and developed by the Waterdoulas. Water Rebozo, once someone has a good base of aquatic bodywork, becomes an extension of arms and allows the practitioner’s body language to grow. We will analyze the importance of having basic notions of how to carry and mobilize the body in the water, taking into account its weight, resistance and also its softness. The fabric is a great tool to create dynamic multidirectional stretches and recreate conditions for morphodynamics (interactions between forces) . It offers strong body support, contains and creates strong resistance which is not always easy to find in the water environment. We will look into sensory and perceptual refinement proprioceptive/interoceptive/exteroceptive.. We'll explore different ways of positioning the fabric/cloth to support the practice effectively. It is also a great opportunity to dive into intra-uterine life memories.

Liquid Zome - Sintra, Portugal

Au Bord Déau - Uccle, Belgium

Napmajor - Budapeste, Hungary

Fontainebleau, France


Water Rebozo for collectives & ceremonies


Land to Water - introduction to Water Doulas