The birth of a family.  

Our story began in 2017 Sintra (Portugal) at the Liquid Zome with our retreat “Water, Rhythms, and Birth », marrying the aquatic bodywork with doula care. From this first retreat, we developed many courses specialised in pregnancy. We also opened spaces dedicated for self-exploration and adapted our offering to a wider audience including newborns and people with special needs. Water doulas became « a way to be in the water ».  

Our approach is integrative, we are doulas, coming from the therapeutic field and somatic practices on land and in the water. We have a holistic view on how water touches people and life stories.

A call for intimacy and connection.

Water unfolds our stories, our bodies, our inner movements and medicine. Water is around us and inside us. Water invites us to release and open ourselves, if we are willing.

For pregnancy, birth and postpartum, we believe water is our greatest ally.

Water carries the potential and power to transform as much as the pregnancy journey does, they are healing forces and they work very well together.

We are water doulas, caring for women and families on land and in the water. Our practice during these years showed us that through the contact with the water element, a pregnant person can be inspired in developing confidence and greater awareness towards motherhood. Water practices accompany and stimulate the mother's bond with her baby, her family and ultimately her connection to herself. Another important point is flow, releasing tensions in the water give a strong feeling of freedom in the body, helping to make new connections and sensations of comfort which is essential for well-being.

Being in the water is an opportunity that we honour. We recognise the valuable gift to be supported for resting the body but also the mind and giving space for emotions to emerge and be seen. Being cared for in the water, rocked, held, may reconnect us to memories, feelings, deep emotions. It can give a strong sense of belonging but also awaken fears. Sometimes it’s a simple relaxation and sometimes it’s a big awakening. Water can bring us to dive into the beginning of life, inside the womb, in some far memories written on our body’s cells. We cannot hide in water, it brings everything to the surface, it’s transparent. Whatever the intensity of the work, the practice, the healing, water connects with the body senses and in this way, it is a natural physical and emotional accompaniment during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

We work with pregnant people, couples, families and individuals. The Waterdoulas approach keeps a mother’s centred vison, where the family is on focus. We have witnessed many times the water practice opening new ways of communication. The silence, the intimacy, the connection is supporting the relationships, it creates time and space to embrace togetherness.

What we share in the water are rituals. We hope that through our offerings, we can inspire people to embody the sacredness of water and feel supported. 

With Love, Marjorie & Laurélène

Marjorie Sa.


Marjorie is Brazilian-Portuguese therapist, artist, anarchist doula and committed to the awakening of the sacred during pregnancy, birth and motherhood. With a background in bodywork therapies, traditional midwifery, and traditional medicines, she has integrated elements of massage, meditation, and dance into her work. Her wide variety of methods cover Thai Massage, Watsu, reflexology, herbal medicine and Taoist and Ayurvedic practices. Marjorie is published author and the mother of three daughters, Naya, Inah and Anahi Luz.

phone +351 913 319836


Laurelene Chambovet.


Laurelene is a doula, coach and facilitator living between Paris and the Basque Country. She was born in a family deeply intersted in personal growth and discovered well-being practices, including rebirth, at a very young age. Laurelene dedicates her time and practice in pools and deep seas with pregnant people, midwives, osteopaths, dancers, free divers. She gives regular sessions and classes for pregnancy and runs a program in Paris dedicated to handicap. She also offers on land trainings, women circles and retreats in France. Laurelene loves sailing and she is the mother of a little girl called Marie-Anande.

phone +33 648170077