Piscine Naissance® or Pregnancy in Water Collective

This course is designed to create and run wellness collective classes for pregnant women and/or couples. We work in collective here (groups from 3 to 10 people). Our proposition is quite different from prenatal aquagym in the sense that we essentially seek to give the pregnant woman back her sovereignty. The Waterdoulas approach keeps a mother’s centred vison, where the family is on focus. We have witnessed many times the water practice opening new ways of communication. The silence, the intimacy, the connection is supporting the relationships, it creates time and space to embrace togetherness. We want the woman to be supported with love, help her to be in touch with the inner wisdom of her body, which will automatically increase her self-confidence. This is a chance to connect with instinctive movements and ‘feel’ the pregnancy.

The content of this programme has been naturally changed and improved over time. Here you can see the documentation and best moments of some past editions, in different locations we've been to. Some themes such as Water Rebozo Collective & Ceremonies, Working with Couples and Pairs, Water Rituals & Doula Care, which were and still presented as an introduction in this training, have now become specialised courses. More about our pregnancy classes, take a look at the Waterdoulas Retreats and Classes gallery.

Au Bord D´eau - Uccle, Belgium

La Voie De L'eau - Forcauquier, France

Home Serenity - Caen, France

Aldeia da Caveira - Grândola, Portugal

Liquid Zome - Sintra, Portugal


Water Rebozo for collectives & ceremonies